The last couple weeks my body has been feeling worse and worse and that all culminated during my squat session on Sunday. I was supposed to work up to an opener that would be fairly easy. My back, knees and hips were so fried that I failed a 565 squat (never failed a squat in my life). Mind you, 566 is something I should be able to hit any day of the week. I messaged another Slo Strong member and we decided that I should do a deload. It’s tough to have to do that this close to the meet and I’m not sure what the ramifications will be on meet day. At this point, there really is no other option. I’ve done a couple light workout this week, gotten a couple massages and have been foam rolling and I feel a little bit better but not great. My spine, hips, knees and clavicles all hurt. Looking back at my training, I’ve probably been going too heavy on speed work and maxing out on one form of bench, squat and deadlift (most weeks) since November has taken its toll. Right now the goal is to warm up Saturday and see if I can work up to my opening lifts for the meet. If not, I’ll have to shut it down and keep de loading. This is good information for the future as I really got back into powerlifting in November and have probably been pushing it too much. If you can’t recover you won’t get stronger. This is good feedback for planning my next training cycle after the meet, less is more, especially when you’re a larger athlete who has been training off and on for the last half of your life. My hope is that I can fully recover by meet time and have maybe another week or two of good workouts but we will see what happens. Right now I need to listen to my body and go from there.